Hear what our friends say about Soul Play ...
“As a theology teacher, I have had the pleasure of working with Terry who facilitates transformative retreats for young people. Terry’s style is charismatic and he connects with people at the heart level sometimes before they are even aware that connection is possible for them.”
“Through story and interactive workshops, Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson has touched the soul of educators across our district (Ontario, Canada). He provides spiritual development that has an entry point for everyone, that is profoundly moving, playful, and theologically sound. He has awakened our individual and collective call to be Eucharistic communities that accompany, encourage and instill hope in the students and families we serve.”
“In our effort to build community in a parish that has been through a lot in the last few years, we connected with Soul Play and began the process of bringing a quality retreat to Holy Family that might be ongoing and life-giving. We began with a Parish Mission on the PaschalMystery led by Terry Nelson-Johnson, and then had the pleasure of joining with other Soul Play members to lead our first Beloved Retreat for Holy Family. Our experience has allowed us to breathe again, and to be Christ to one another in a way that hadn’t happened in a long time.”
“On behalf of the Norbertine Center for Spirituality, I would like to extend my gratitude to Soul Play for their professionalism, flexibility, and the outstanding work they provided the Center.
Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson presented at the Center last February and received excellent reviews. Many of the 150 men who attended the conference commented that his personal approach, emotional openness, and inspirational words were a gift beyond what they could have asked for. For that, we are very grateful.
It is because of that presentation that we asked him back to give a three day retreat in October. In working with Laura to set up the details, I experienced a helpful attitude and flexible mind! Her attention to our needs and resources was a blessing for me.
Again, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all that Soul Play has provided to the Norbertine Center for Spirituality. ”
“Really, I have had such an enthusiastic response from the residents about your reflections that I am thrilled. People that rarely say more than ‘good morning’ have been raving about it. God bless you for your insight and receptivity to where the spirit leads you, Laura.”